Friday, January 28, 2011

Ask my Mom for Bikini

Ask my Mom for Bikini
Sweet looking hot 'Mirapakay' lady Deeksha Seth is creating ripples for good height and great personality. Proving as an actor she failed in her first full length role with 'Wanted' and the enchanting seductress is concluded to increase the oomph and sex appeal with each movie as she may not win with the roles of a performer. It is heard that Deeksha is going for regular Yoga classes daily to further sharp the curves for sporting a new look in forthcoming films.

Apparently artistically low valued girls like Deeksha end up sporting variety of bikinis with in a short time to grab the fancy offers. Although, this girl is not new to wearing skimpy costumes but producers and directors on the fore hand are intimated to take the approval from Deeksha's mother for bikini and remuneration. So, more the remuneration, less is the length of bikini.